
dear baby girl,
we are getting so excited for your arrival!  it's still hard for me to believe that sometime between now and the next three weeks you will join our little family.  it's still hard for me to believe that all those kicks i've been feeling inside me for months now, are the manifestation of a human being growing inside me.  it's hard for me to believe that i will get to hold you in my arms so soon.

i have done all i can think of to get ready, but how can i possibly prepare?  i have grown up around babies and have loved them and known how to take care of them.  but i can't imagine what it will be like to be the sole provider and caretaker for you.  to have you depend solely on me for love and all your other needs.  i hope that i can have the patience required to be a good mother to you.

although i want you to be ready to arrive, i am anxious to hold you, and nurse you, and take care of you, and to see what you look like!  so please hurry it up getting ready, ok?  i can't wait for the moment when we meet.