
over the weekend....

daddy {weird that i all the sudden started calling john, daddy - like overnight - and it just rolls off the tongue....} was in austin over the weekend for a friend's wedding.  so hazel and i stayed at grandma's house for the weekend.  we are way less lonely up there when john is out of town ;)  plus, grandma needs her hazel time before we go to atlanta for eleven weeks!

hazel wore this blue dress for church.  isn't she delicious?!
and she slept through the night for the first time!  yay!

jenna and i went to the mall in search of a blessing dress for hazel.  we came home with two skirts for me and no blessing dress for hazel.  oh well.

and i had the privilege of watching one of my best friends play an amazing senior recital!  congrats laur, on graduating!  you are incredible!

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