
our routine.

i got a snapchat from a friend a few days ago.... "you haven't blogged in FOREVER"
to which i responded....... {crickets chirp}

i've been in a rut lately.  not because i don't really like it here (because i do), or because i have nothing to do (because i don't), but probably because i am laaaaaaazy.  but, her little reminder helped, and, spirits renewed, i have now added several blog posts into the mix where they should have been.  {ie. JUNE.}

and now, a little bit about our routine over here! {since i know you're all dying to know how hazel and i keep ourselves busy throughout the day!}

between 4 and 6 a.m.:  hazel fusses awake and i feed her.  we go back to sleep.

between 6 and 9 a.m.:  hazel wakes up and i feed her.  we again go back to sleep.....!

9:30a.m.:  hazel is awake and bright-eyed.  just like this:
so we play, watch baby einsteins, and do tummy-time!  {which she hates, by the way}

11:30 a.m.: hazel is crabby and ready for a nap.  i nurse her and she goes to sleep.  then i hurry and take a shower.  she only naps 40min on a bad day, 1.5 hours on a good day. ;)

12:30 p.m.:  i eat lunch, then we embark on one of the selected activities for the day.  viable options include a long walk, a walk to and around the mall, a trip to walmart, or a picnic in the park.  we always stop for a $0.79 diet coke at "on the go", no matter what.

3:30 p.m.: hazel eats and naps.  i prep for dinner, make a headband or two, and watch alias on netflix.

4:30 p.m.: we play some more!

5:30 p.m.: yay!  daddy is home! i finish dinner, we eat - while hazel attempts to sit up in her bumbo {she's so lazy!}

7:00 p.m.:  hazel takes a bath, we play while mom and dad watch a show or two.

9:00 p.m.  hazel goes to bed.  darling wonderful night-sleeper.

wasn't that the most exciting story evah?!

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