
last weekend.

our weekend was pretty low-key.  after several weekends of sight-seeing, it was nice to take a break and just relax.  on friday night, john took me out for burritos, then we went home, curled up on our classy blow-up mattress, opened up a pint of half-baked ben and jerry's, and put in burt wonderstone.  perfect date night, if you ask me.

on saturday we went to the frisbee golf park, which basically means these days that john frisbee golfs and hazel and i watch/throw a couple frisbees.  we had a great time.  i think john is really going to miss that course.  after the park we had all-you-can-eat sushi and headed home for a relaxing afternoon.  the rest of the weekend was filled with walks, eating food, church, watching shows.... basically nothing noteworthy.  but it was so great to recharge.  we definitely needed it.  

we head home to utah in only 9 days!  hazel is pretty excited about it.

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