
tremendously grateful.

for months now i have been having anxiety about letting my nursing license waste away.  i was worried that if i didn't get a teeny tiny job then i would be unhire-able in ten years when my kids were all in school and i decided that i wanted to work.  so i put some feelers out last week and some old classmates helped me score a job where they work.  and i am so so grateful.  i am rusty for sure, but i'm hoping {and praying} that things will fall into place soon.  the best part?  it's on-call and only a six-to-midnight shift usually, so i won't be gone during the day when hazel needs me.  

i am so grateful for friends that lend a helping hand, and for my Heavenly Father who is always watching over me and gives answers my prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you, Paige! I only do half shifts so I hope you work some fulls so we can work together!
