
happiness is a walk on the beach. california, part 3.

well, we are home from cali.  and it is both sad and relieving.  i feel like i have been going going going the past few weeks so it is nice to actually have time to vacuum my house this week.  

but we loved spending time with john's family this weekend.  we had a relaxing sunday.  jordan and christina met us for fish tacos and balboa bannanas, and g&l's friends/family came over for dinner. hazel's cousins made us matching rubber-band bracelets (she wore it only for a few minutes in their presence... i was too afraid of it falling apart and becoming a choking hazard...) which was so sweet.  monday we went out to lunch for fish tacos {again, obsessed}, and lounged at the pool. tuesday we went on a walk through crystal cove state park/beach and then laguna beach once more.  we had such a wonderful time.  if i ever get back to jayme's beach again, i'm putting up a tent and never leaving.

thanks for the fantastic time, g&l.  we love you both!

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