
the things we do when john has a school break.

the sea of hormones has ebbed. and it feels sooooo good being myself again, i can't even tell you! now for some documentation.

the mba school has these "breaks" that are meant for first-years to find internships for the summer and second-years(that's us!) to find jobs if they haven't already. but since my stud-muffin already has a full-time offer(hurray!), we have had him all to ourselves the past few days. six days off from school, i tell you! what wonderful things are we to do? 
we went and saw "sacred gifts" at the byu museum of art. i snuck this picture but there was zero flash and there are pics of this all over the web, right? the exhibit was amazing, and free. if you live within an hour or less of byu I say it's totally worth it!
we had a gift card to outback that's been sitting on our fridge for months. we finally decided to use it! will you just look at her face? i can't begin to estimate the beautiful relationship these two have, and i don't ever plan to.
and finally, we went up to honey and papa's house to hang out and show off our new tricks. excited to see what the next few days will hold.

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