
we're pregnant!

oh hey there blog.  i'm finally back from a two-month blogging hiatus.  and you know what that means.... i am pregnant! 
yes, baby girl #2 is cooking away and has been for roughly 20 weeks.  at first, i was too sick to sit up to the computer to blog.  and then... i just decided i wasn't ready yet.  you know?  but now i am.  and boy, i have a lot of catching up to do. 

here's a profile of our little peanut.  she is covering her face with her hand, and that seems to be her thing since our ultrasound tech couldn't get a good 3D image of her face - despite all the poking and prodding she did.  sometimes, they can be surprising rough during those ultrasounds.  i haven't felt this baby as much, which apparently is because the placenta is on the "ceiling" of my uterus.  so, you learn something every day.
right now we are in utah, which is basically hazel's heaven with endless raspberries and uncles that play with her nonstop and lots of tramp and swing time outside. 

we went to gardner village and danced with the animatronic witches yesterday.  i drooled over all the decorations but, (much to john's relief) resisted.  one of the witches was hoola-hooping and hazel literally danced with her for a whole five minutes.

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