
it's been a busy week. i was down with the flu for a couple days, and then we were in idaho on thanksgiving day, but i was still recovering. so i didn't get any pictures taken on thanksgiving, or that whole week really. but we had a great time up in idaho falls with john's family! my pregnant belly did kind of miss the homemade chinese food my mom's family always does the day after thanksgiving though. i guess that just means i will have to make it for us one night this week ;)
one of my best friends got married yesterday in the salt lake temple. what an incredible experience it was to be at her sealing and witness such a wonderful event! i am so so happy for mady and alex. their sealer was the same man who married john and i , and it was nice to listen to him speak without the fog of getting married that day looming over me! it really was a special day. 
more pictures from our vacation:

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