
now that i'm a mother...

now that i'm a mother...
i wish every establishment- even the grocery store- had a drive-through window
injuries and gross things are now owies and kuh-kuhs, even when i'm talking to john
shaving my legs is a grand luxury
lipstick is always a good idea. (because even if you didn't shower and you're still wearing pajamas, it looks like you tried, right?)
exhaustion has a new meaning
i almost always regret spending extra time making dinner (because if it's something special, most likely the toddler won't eat it)
i'm singing disney and nursery songs around the house pretty constantly
eating is an all-day affair

being a mother is one of the most challenging, physically&emotionally exhausting, wonderful things. i've been thinking about how lucky i am lately. i spend my days growing a baby (which is hard work, by the way) and chasing after a toddler (probably even harder work). but i get to spend my entire day with my girl. she is mine, and i am hers. and i am so blessed for that connection that we will have forever. 

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