
the first couple weeks.

time is so precious. isn't it? each moment is so fleetingly beautiful when you have a newborn in your arms and a toddler at your feet. these first two weeks have been challenging, with hazel whipping out the big guns with a new level of tantrums, wanting to be held, and refusing play dates outright (which i force her to go to anyway, poor moms of her friends have to deal with a couple minutes of crying in the car until she gets over it....). it's also been challenging because hazel often needs me when i am feeding cora, and i'm sure it's not easy for her to wait. and to top it all off, i am exhausted.

but, challenges aside, this has been a treasured, remarkable thing for our family. hazel has gone from completely ignoring her baby sister to acknowledging her throughout the day, "baby co!", to kissing her forehead and pointing at her tiny feet, fingers, etc. things have actually gone better than i could have hoped on that front. 

i am so tremendously grateful to mimi, grandpa, and honey who all came out and took care of us while i was recovering.  we neglected to get a picture of grandpa with cora while he was here, but we will make up for it when they come visiting in the next couple days!
here is honey with grandbaby #2!

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