
life lately!

things that have been going around at our house these days:

these girls are getting along gloriously these days.  having a sister is the best!  some days are so so hard, but then i see how close they are, and think about how much closer they will get as they get older and it makes it all worth it.

{sidenote: yes, cora is always this happy.  i am not making this up with these photos.  her face is practically smushed in this first one and she's still happy as a clam.}

#1. hazel has been choosing out her outfits and it is downright hilarious what she picks some days! "hor-see shirt!" "sun-glass-is!" "heded-band!".  
#5. she has also been putting on make up some days with me.  this was one of the more memorable makeovers she gave herself.
#6. you know it's been awhile since i did a pic dump on the blog when there's a swimming pool picture and it is now october.
#8.  hazel was throwing a tantrum at the moment i took this.  as you can see, cora thinks hazel crying is quite amusing, along with everything else she does.  i serious have to compete with hazel frequently for attention!

cora tried the swings for the first time yesterday and loved them! {excuse the crazy outfit, we were down to our back-up clothes out of the diaper bag ;) 

#1. feet are just as tasty as real food.
#2.  gooooo cougars!
#3.  this is one of hazel's hilarious expressions.  that girl seriously cracks me up!

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