
our trip to DC! part one.

since john's parents needed to be in DC last weekend, we all planned a trip to go out there and be with them and explore our nation's capitol.  r+j+c were there, as well as leslie's sister jayme and her husband doug.  we had such a wonderful time with all of them!  

since john was out-of-town for a business training and had to fly straight into DC in order for us not to have to drive until 3am, i did a brave thing and decided to drive down with the girls myself!  i put a pull-up on hazel so as to not have to stop every hour to go potty, and we shoved off.  besides a couple times when cora got hungry and i couldn't find a good/safe place to stop (aka driving through baltimore and i don't know where is safe to stop) the girls were pretty much happy the entire time!  such a blessing.  i did hand hazel's half-finished squeezable pouch to cora on the last hour of the trip and somehow, she got the lid off so when i went to grab her out of her carseat at the hotel she was covered in applesauce.  sweet girl, it didn't seem to bother her!

ryan and janessa were already there so we went and walked along the national mall with them and got dinner:

that night everybody got into town, and the next morning we hit the ground running!  we rode the subway to the supreme court justice building and basically walked all the way to the lincoln memorial from there.

union station:
 supreme court justice building- basically every single building in DC is magnificent.

we then walked over to the capitol and took a tour.  i am so glad we did!  what a fascinating building, and i felt so patriotic during the tour.  democracy really is so beautiful and i am so grateful for what goes on there.  the checks and balances system was put there for a reason and i appreciate the law-makers that listen to the people they represent and try to make the country we live in a better, more moral, and more free place each day. 

serious black mail photo of me right there that john took... 
but it represents just what were we doing at the tour... 
listening to our tour guide on the headsets.

each state has donated at least two statues of important figures from that state.  two of my favorites {pictured above} were brigham young (utah) and sam houston (texas).

the lady doing capitol tours suggested we go to the library of congress next, and i'm so glad we did! it is probably the most beautiful building inside that i have ever seen.

wow will you just look at cora's face!?  she's the best.

DC is so incredibly beautiful.  thanks for inviting us, g+l!

this ends part one of our trip to DC series.  
sorry you didn't make the cut in any of these photos, john ;)

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