
the girls are loving:

- the zoo, the park, going on walks, and all-around anything outside the house
- her speech therapy
- the ipad (yes, still obsessed, but we try to limit her screen time as much as possible.)
- dressing up as different animals or princesses- just wait til you see our halloween costumes!
- jumping on the couch (i am not so fond of this)
- reading "are you my mother?" - she can practically quote this book
- eating pizza (she LOVES pizza!) and breakfast burritos and showing us how different animals eat - which basically means making the sound that that animal makes.  the dog, for instance, simply takes a bite and says, "woof! woof!"
- doing "surprise eggs" which is basically where i put a treat or tiny toy inside of easter eggs, cover them in play-dough, and then she gets to uncover what is inside
- helping me cook or bake
- watching singing and dancing of any kind: watching little clips of broadway shows like finding neverland and singing in the rain is our new favorite!
- being tickled

cora mae:
- cora simpy loves everything.  she loves the world.  she loves getting attention from strangers, being sung to, and just being ignored and let to play with toys.  seriously.
- eating crackers and pizza crust and anything that she can independently put in her mouth and gum to oblivion.  she can even put puffs (cheerios) in her mouth one-by-one, which takes fine motor skillzz
- watching hazel run around, dance, jump, or act goofy or entertaining in any way
- playing with wrappers - under strict supervision
- rolling over immediately when i lay her down
- sleeping on her stomach - which is so weird for me, since hazel abhorred being on her tummy
- jumping in her jumperoo
- looking at her adorable little self in the mirror
- when mom kisses under her chin (the best giggles)

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