
life lately

just some photos of our life over the past two or three weeks...

1.  hazel in her happy place
2.  coramae munching on what could quite arguably be the best beef gyro of my life
3.  the leaves that i desperately loved that are all gone now
4.  making it outside to enjoy the 60ish weather we were having mid-november
5.  nighttime ritual, complete with diet coke

1.  sleeping eyelash profile... is there anything better?
2.  dadda and hazel on jane's carousel
3.  posing in front of darth vader.  p.s. does anyone really understand this side-smile thing she does sometimes?  because i don't.
4.  our apartment-living christmas tree.  we decorated it together as a family and it was very exciting
5.  mae mae humoring me with selfies

1.  wearing a dress my grandmother knit
2.  that's how i think nativities should be arranged too, hazel.  everyone peering in at baby Jesus.
3.  also, swings appear to be cora's happy place
4.  blue steel
5.  from our family photo shoot where i got zero good photos of all of us as a family... but we still had fun
6.  no caption necessary?

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