
philly with honey.

when my mom decided to come to town {and granted, she still probably would have come if we lived in a small town in wyoming} we thought we would probably get into the city at least a couple days while she was here.  would you believe that we never made it into the city!?  we saved it for the last day, and then the weather decided not to cooperate and it poured that day.  but, we did drive down to philly on saturday, because my mom was born and lived there the first three years of her life while her dad was going to dental school... plus, cheesesteaks.  here's some photos from our day in philly.  {i'll spare you from the photos of hazel throwing a complete crying fit when she powered right through nap time.}
 independence hall ^^
^^ not pictured: hazel in the stroller next to us, having a total fit!

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