
thanksgiving in plymouth. part two of our series.

on thanksgiving day we got ready and went to a monument i had never heard of in plymouth, massachusetts.  then we had thanksgiving dinner at plimouth {yes, that's how they spell it there} plantation, and our little heffalump, as you can see, is the cutest baby known to man.


then we took our full bellies and took a tour of an imitation wamapoke indian homes/grounds and a town full of "real life" {aka actors} pilgrims. see hazel above, singing jingle bells to me ^^^ also, look at hazel's face in the photo below.  right after this picture was taken she laid her head down on my shoulder and fell right asleep.
then we went and saw the most underwhelming national monument ever, plymouth rock.
and took a tour of the mayflower...

such a fun day!  thanks so much to mimi and grandpa for taking us!

more thanksgiving weekend pics to come!

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