
dear mr. brunt,

these days, i feel like i'm always needing to apologize.  things are crazy busy in this life of ours, and sometimes i feel like i miss the mark on pretty much everything.  so i find myself apologizing for my imperfections.  a lot.  

but gosh, look at the beautiful lives we have created together.  look at our amazing, smart, fun, beautiful girls.  look at our cozy home and the spirit that is in it.  look at the fun we have together and the love we feel.   if dinner is ready at a decent hour and half-way appetizing, {or let's be honest, even if it sucks} i'm calling it a success.  if the girls got dressed, had fun, and learned something today, i'm calling it a win.  if the fridge is stocked with diet coke and monsters, we are doing pretty good.  and if none of these things are in order {as they so often aren't}, then screw it.  cause our life is pretty awesome anyway.

thanks for choosing me again and again each day, and for making the most of it.  i love you the most.

1 comment:

  1. This is sooo cute. Reading this makes me feel better about myself.
