
have you ever been to pennsylvania?  we just visited for the first time this last weekend {besides a quick drive-by hershey, PA when we moved out here} and let me just say, it was beautiful.  for being the ugly end-part of the winter yuck, pennsylvania was stunning.  i actually enjoyed the road-trip out there, despite getting up-chucked on once and whined at ten million times.

of course we had a pressing desire to see pennyslvania, but the main reason for visiting was NEWBORN BABY SNUGGLES.  our friend jordan {who set john and i up} and his cute family are going to school in happy valley and just had a baby back in december.  and since my baby basically refuses to snuggle with me these days... i stole theirs away at every opportunity!  

we ate at a famous sandwhich/burger/sports bar joint in downtown state college, and then explored the cute children's arboretum.  

we ate creamery ice cream and i cried a little from sheer happiness.

we did a cute easter-egg hunt with the older girls, and got to meet the easter bunny and the nittany lion himself.  
cute rory was the best little playmate for our hazel.  they are so close in age, have the same energy level, and got along great.  too bad we don't live closer!
 we drove through beautiful farm country and went to an amish wedding {which isn't really a wedding, but a delicious buffet - (the potatoes were amazing and so was the stuffing... it had shredded chicken IN IT)} and gorged ourselves silly.

sunday we went to church, drove home, and attempted to recover from such a fun-filled weekend.  don't tell anyone, but i still haven't unpacked.  ;)

thanks for having us crespos!

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