
YOU GUYS.  this girl is awesome.  and she turned one today.

cora mae...

is starting to get a mind of her own.
has three teeth.
gets mad at me and screams at the top of her lungs.
likes reading books by herself, but not being read to.
loves pulling clothes up over her head.
loves doing anything and everything she sees her sister do.
loves chewing on q-tips.
gets into every cupboard within reach.
climbs all the way up the slide.
still doesn't talk much, but babbles some.
typically sleeps for two solid hours each nap.
grabs my hand and puts it somewhere to tell me what she wants (often she wants "this little piggie"... sometimes "patty-cake")

we love our cora mae.  i can't believe that this sweet girl has been a part of our family for a year now! she came into the world so easygoing but she has been beat on by her sister enough now that she is starting to get more assertive and fight back ;) 

happy birthday cora mae.  you are the coolest baby ever.

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