
our california life.

heyyy there!  we've been back from our summer in utah and idaho for about a month now, and i feel like we are finally settling down into our routine here.  just in time for summer to end, hazel to go to school and for us to have to do it all over again!  here's some pictures of life lately, which in general is lots of beach days, trips to the park, exploring, and watching movies.  
1. santa monica with my mom and uncle jack a couple weeks ago!
2. cora throwing dirt and hazel rolling down the hill.  just a typical summer afternoon at the park.
3.  i successfully grew these two jalapenos and excitedly texted john:  #domestic #guacamole
4.  cora playing on the playground at polliwog
5.  playing outside with cups and bowls full of water.  probably the laziest activity i've ever invented.  possibly their favorite.
6.  listening to one of the free summer concerts at polliwog park.  we went to several this summer and they were so much fun!  lots of cover songs.

1. cute hazel requested to be buried in the sand.  this was by far the worst post-beach-cleanup so far at our house.
4.  cora fell asleep in the middle of costco and it was the cutest/saddest thing ever.  poor tired bug.
5.  feet up in the air, asleep in her stroller at church.  apparently we are failing at naps these days ;)

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