
disneyland, again.

i may be crazy but thursday after hazel finished school we took off to disneyland!  it takes a little bit longer to get there in 2pm traffic but it's disneyland so... worth it.

we saw both parades and stayed for fireworks {which were unfortunately canceled.} and had an amazing time!  i could get used to this.

during the parade, hazel kept waving to all the characters and saying hi.  "hi, mickey!" "hi rapunzel!" "hi olaf!" it was the best.  cora enjoyed it, but was comfortable keeping her distance ;)

waiting for the parade... and cora's dumbo face.

here's my snapchat story from the day we went to disney.  there's a little bit of cora and me goofing off on snap before disney starts, so if you want to go straight to the parade, start at .39.  xo!

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