
love life!

so much to be grateful for.  so much about life to love!

loving the dental hygiene we have to do with sponge swabs
finally doing tricks on command: shaking head "no", bye bye waves and clapping hands
lights up when we read a book
thinks hazel and cora are the most hilarious
has 3 new teeth that came in all at once overnight
loves ground-up grilled meat and yogurt
obsessed with balls

saying "what the heck-oats!" and other things that just crack us up
cutting up post-it notes to make "money'
writing "letters" to people and mailing them
drawing people with crazy hair and long eyelashes
wearing her sister's clothes (they're the same size now, so it's all shared!)

full of curiosity about the world and always asking questions
her best friend kylie and her new school
reminding me every. day. that she wants to go to scooter jungle for her birthday
building legos
throwing paper airplanes

playing pubG at night with John
dreaming up renovation plans
not having to cook dinner 'cause mimi is in town

having yummier dinners because his mom is in town
stealing nerds from the girls halloween haul

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