

so, a week ago we packed up and drove 20 hours to dallas. i am so grateful to my family for their help, and especially my dad and in-laws for helping us drive out here. it broke my heart to say goodbye to my dad, because i could tell he felt like he was having to let his little girl go again, just like he had to on the day i got married. it kind of hurts my heart to think about it. but there's consolation in knowing my family is only a plane ticket away....

once we unpacked we headed straight to a friend's house for a vacation with all of john's high-school friends. every couple has a baby and one couple even has twins so... there's a lot of diapers being changed. hence the name: diapercation. on friday we went to the pond and fed the ducks and turtles and played on the playground. we also swam our first swim of the season and hazel learned to blow bubbles underwater!

here's a picture of all the dads with their babies. as you can see, at least one baby is crying at any given moment! 

on saturday we went to the zoo! i was oddly exhausted (hungry) at the zoo, but we saw some great animals and hazel loves looking at them.

i swear she was happy most of the time...

this bird is our new best friend.

after the zoo, we had a bbq by the pool.

sunday we went to church john's old ward. the people there were gushing over what a good group of young men they were. what happened?! ;)

now i'm gonna go get myself some blue bell ice cream.

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