
today i realized i can't blame everything on hormones. it's easy to do, when you are either pregnant or nursing for over a year. but today i was frustrated and angry over too many things, and as i sat in my kitchen, stewing over it all while tending a hot pan of bacon, hazel came over to the dishwasher and started dumping dirty silverware on the floor and i just had to smile. smile, and let it all go- all the frustration, anger, and helplessness i felt, and start counting my blessings. instead of getting mad at hazel, i decided to laugh about it and encourage her. i walked over and kissed my husband like i hadn't kissed him in a while. i counted and counted and counted my blessings and i wasn't angry anymore. i was happy.  and i knew that i could no longer blame my bad mood on hormones. the only thing i can do is blame myself. i'm trying to live as the master of my own emotions. today is day one. happy sunday!

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