
an island park 4th + unexpected boo boos

the fourth started off like any other. john flew in thursday night and we left right from the airport to go to idaho. i even had an alberto's breakfast burrito in the car waiting for him, because that's the nice kind of wife that i am. 

we played lots of games, and john wake-surfed while hazel and i watched from inside grandpa's boat. 
we went to the sand-dunes, (the boys) put on an amazing aerial fireworks show, and ate truly homemade ice cream.
hazel's cousin lily put a million band bracelets on her cute little arms:
randi took family pictures for everyone, and we went to the rodeo. it was all so much fun!

and then, somehow, as i was trying to prevent hazel from falling off a picnic bench simultaneously with other tasks, she fell the opposite way of me, and i couldn't catch her in time. she fell, and started crying and acting like her arm hurt. i was (still am) riddled with guilt. usually when she's hurt, she rallies very quickly. but this time, she didn't. and as we drove home our plans went from putting her to bed to taking her to the ER in rexburg, the closest one to where we were. 

i'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that they didn't find a break in her arm, and we went to idaho falls to sleep, feeling lame and very, very tired as we all went to bed at 2 a.m.  

the next day, i could tell hazel's arm was still hurting her, but she was still playing so I thought the doctor must have been correct when he said, "she's probably just a really tired baby that bruised her elbow." but by sunday evening, when hazel started crying and grabbing her wrist, i could clearly discern where she was hurt, and that this was no bruised elbow. we made a makeshift splint out of a popsicle stick and a ripped-up dish rag, and headed straight to instacare. 

she indeed had a buckle fracture in her left radius and ulna, and the doctor we saw was so kind and much better than that idiot in the ER. hazel is so much happier with her splint on, and we've been dosing her with tylenol and ibuprophen the last few days, although she hasn't acted like she's needed it. that splint will stay on except for during baths and the occasional pool time for at least 2-3 weeks, and i can't tell you my dismay at having a hurt child, especially when it feels like my fault. but, i am relieved that the break was discovered, and that she is now back to her happy self.  truly, she is on the mend.

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