
timpanogos cave.

monday was my parent's anniversary. and instead of going on a mediterranean cruise like most couples that have been married for 25 years, they dragged us all with them to hike up to timpanogos cave. and believe me, we weren't complaining. hazel rode in the carrier on papa's back:
she was a complete gem on the hike up and down, but a total pill in the cave. we couldn't take the carrier with us, and she was tired, and hungry, and her normal stubborn-self. my sister has a few hazel furious in the cave pictures on her phone, but i was too busy being mortified to take any. this girl, she challenges me daily! i love her so.
the inside of the cave was amazing. john and i saw a similar cave in china but it didn't nearly have the diversity of formations that this one did. i only wish i had taken my "real" camera so i could have captured decent cave photos!

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