
life lately!

well, we had an amazing christmas break. the weather from the time we landed was beautiful 40 degrees until christmas morning, when we woke up to 5 inches of fresh snow. it was pretty perfect. 

we went to the zoo lights, saw the last hobbit movie (my mom watched hazel, always a bonus), and went to a couple birthday parties. we played pandemic, munchkin, settlers of catan and about 5,000 other board games with my sibs. we watched movies, we ate homemade caramels. on christmas eve we threw the football around and i pushed hazel on the swings. honestly, i couldn't ask for a more perfect vacation. 

here we are in our christmas pjs:
1. sledding down a big hill
2. john enjoying his awesome christmas present
3. playing board games
4. aunt jenna reading hazel her favorite new book, "where the wild things are."
more sledding:
hazel dressed up as mary:
magical christmas morning:

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