
things 22-month-old hazel loves:

- hats- wearing them, trying them on, putting them on others
- watching frozen. we are especially in love with "do you want to build a snowman"...
- animals
- chocolate and fishy crackers
- singing nursery rhymes- she knows the actions too!
- magnets
- reading books- especially "where the wild things are", "star wars colors", and "brown bear brown bear"
- going to bed (she always dives for her crib. for this, i am very grateful)
- jumping. basically on everything 
- chapstick. usually putting it on her lips, sometimes straight up licking it 
- acting out moments from frozen while we have the movie on, or acting out scenes from a book that we are reading.  {for reals! she is my daughter after all.}

see other posts about hazel's previous loves here and here

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