
easter festivities.

on friday, the village had an easter egg hunt & carnival for the littles. henry and briana came. hazel had a blast in the bounce house, it took me forever to get her out of it- and i introduced her to cotton candy. before we left she got her face painted like a cat. and let me tell you- i think it made her year! 
on saturday and sunday we had the opportunity to watch general conference and hear from our church leaders. i was feeling overwhelmed with my added responsibilities as a mother, and i felt the spirit so strongly and know that Heavenly Father appreciates my sacrifice and loves me. i am just so grateful and feel so blessed that He has trusted john and i with these precious spirits. we love our girls so much! 
hazel ate lots and lots of candy, of course.

and little cora turned a month old! happy birthday, cora! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paige! I love looking at your blog and getting updated on your life! Your girls are adorable! I was wondering if you could tell me how you designed your blog? What template did you use to get the big picture at the top? How do you post pictures like the ones in the life lately post where there are 6 photos side by side? You can email me at amberlicious_1@hotmail.com Thanks!
