
you only remember the good stuff

You only remember the good stuff

I'm sitting here, nursing cora, staring at her cute little Michelin arms, and remembering how much I loved that milk-drunk hazel and her Michelin arms. 
But even as I'm sitting here nursing this delicious, getting-fat, sweet, innocent baby, I'm thinking about how crappy of a night we had last night. 

And that's when I realized- you only remember the good stuff.

Right now, the good is mixed in with the not-so-good, the late night nursing and rocking a wakeful baby, is mixed in with the delicious baby smell and little smiles. But years from now, I'm only gonna remember the delicious baby smell and the smiles you work so hard for, just like I only remember the good stuff with hazel.

So, for now, I'm reveling in each precious moment, the good and the bad with both my girls and their respective stages. because I know it won't last forever. 

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