
i am still so in love.

john brunt, you're my favorite human.  you're the perfect blend of adventurous and laid back, patient but hard-working, real but kind.  after a hard day at work you come home and somehow manage to fix everything.  you value things that are important, like being close to the ones you love, and eating only delicious food.  and {even though it sometimes makes me stress if dinner is going to be great,} i admire that about you.  i am in awe at how you still love me despite all my flaws and personality changes {which i am working/praying hard to prevent}.  if i had looked at current self five years ago, i still would have said yes to you on the top of sawtelle mountain.  i love you so much.

these days i am consumed with being a mother.  which ultimately, is the most wonderful thing i could be doing, and i am so grateful to be doing it.  but as i was going though old blog posts i realized how in the consumption of caring for our girls and enjoying every minute with them, i almost forget to document anything about the man that not only loves and supports us, but quite literally gives everything he is and has for us.  i used to quite frequently (and publicly) document how much i love and appreciate my john harman.  all those feelings are still there, but the "us" time gets buried underneath discussions about the girls and taking care of them, and i have shamelessly missed the mark, {except for an instagram post or two}, when it comes to thanking and expression my appreciation for him.

so today i wanted to say thank you, and that i am going to love you for the rest of forever.

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