

my family has always been a little obsessed with disney.  my grandma instilled a love for all things disney (especially the parks) in us from a very young age.  i can remember going at least once a year for several years growing up, which may not seem like a lot to some, but when you only take two vacations a year... making 50% of them to disneyland is no joke.  so you can imagine my excitement at moving here to LA and having the chance to get a year passport!  it took us awhile to commit (because i'm afraid of the freeway and traffic...) but i'm so glad that i got brave and took both the girls on friday.  they were in heaven!  (especially hazel!)  and the drive is only about 45 minutes.  not bad!

of course we cruised through fantasy land, small world, and a lot of the kid rides first thing.  cora napped while hazel and i shared a dole whip and met snow white, cinderella, and ariel.  hazel's face in that picture with ariel has to be the best thing ever. and then we enjoyed the jungle cruise, tikki room, and pirates.  cora was really brave on pirates, snow white, and mr. toad's wild ride.  all of which are a little scary for a one and a half year old!  

cora's favorite seemed to be dumbo.  although she's doesn't look happy in the picture we took on it because we had just gone on snow white and it is terrifying.  

hazels favorites:
small world and peter pan.  hands down!

every day since hazel has asked to go back to disneyland, see minnie again, and fly with the stars on peter pan.  i'm hoping we can make it out there on wednesday :)  what a dream you are, CA!



we went camping last weekend with some friends from church, and to say the girls got a little dirty might be a bit of an understatement.

 when we got home saturday, we started in on laundry and cleaning and putting away, but honestly, only half of it was done by sunday night.  monday i got really motivated though, and john got home and commented me on how clean the house was!  (p.s. this doesn't happen often ;)

then tuesday happened.  and it was chaos.  at one point i was feeling pretty under control, but then i got an important phone call, and before i knew it cora had ripped the leaves off of several of my garden plants (I KNOW) and then as i was finishing up my call, she blew out all over me. so john got home to a pretty scary house.  but, he loves me, and i love him.  even though most of the time both of us are a little too busy to show it ;)


our california life.

heyyy there!  we've been back from our summer in utah and idaho for about a month now, and i feel like we are finally settling down into our routine here.  just in time for summer to end, hazel to go to school and for us to have to do it all over again!  here's some pictures of life lately, which in general is lots of beach days, trips to the park, exploring, and watching movies.  
1. santa monica with my mom and uncle jack a couple weeks ago!
2. cora throwing dirt and hazel rolling down the hill.  just a typical summer afternoon at the park.
3.  i successfully grew these two jalapenos and excitedly texted john:  #domestic #guacamole
4.  cora playing on the playground at polliwog
5.  playing outside with cups and bowls full of water.  probably the laziest activity i've ever invented.  possibly their favorite.
6.  listening to one of the free summer concerts at polliwog park.  we went to several this summer and they were so much fun!  lots of cover songs.

1. cute hazel requested to be buried in the sand.  this was by far the worst post-beach-cleanup so far at our house.
4.  cora fell asleep in the middle of costco and it was the cutest/saddest thing ever.  poor tired bug.
5.  feet up in the air, asleep in her stroller at church.  apparently we are failing at naps these days ;)



last week when my mom was in town, we drove down to san diego to go to legoland.  it was so much fun for everyone, but i think hazel enjoyed it the most.  every day since she has asked to ride the rides at legoland and i think i might have to finally oblige her one of these days!

but this was the most hilarious part.  three-year-olds driving cars.  enjoy!