
love life

phonetic spelling
lining her stuffed animals, marshall and clarice, just perfectly as she lays down for bed
reading books to cora (i strongly approve of this)
playing zelda BOTW, but handing me the controller every time she runs into a scary bad guy
hot buttered toast
coconut paletas

costco pizza (still)
making cookies
making mom blow up the kiddie pool and then refusing to play in it
make hazel play in the kiddie pool with her in 62 degrees
begging to go to disneyland and the playground every day
hiding under the desk when she's worried she'll get in trouble (she frequently does... she is wild and destructive ;)
during prayers, "bless us about baby james.  bless us about mommy and daddy.  bless us about not having bad dreams..."

still being the most perfect, happy baby
napping for 40 minutes, five times a day (this isn't my favorite)
kicking wildly during bathtime
getting ingrown toenails like it's his job
sucking on his two fingers
blowouts that defy the laws of physics

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