
my two girls.  happy to spoil them with overpriced cotton-candy in front of the castle any day.


easter weekend in AZ

THE ENTIRE BRUNT FAMILY GATHERED FOR EASTER!  some kind of wonderful miracle.  too much delicious food and fun cousin time.  plus, it was swimming heaven for these two fishies:


baby sister comes to visit

Jenna is going on a mission in August to Edmonton, Canada. Super thrilled for her and also superthrilled that we got to host her for a few days over her spring break. We went to our favorite spot, 22nd street in Hermosa, as well as Venice beach boardwalk (for the people watching and salt and straw obviously), Manhattan Beach Pier, and Disneyland of course! What a treat. 


a quick trip to utah

we took a quick trip to utah last year for i can't remember what reason.  posting retroactively these two pics of our hogle zoo trip, and hazel's first time skiing.

we had a blast. i am so proud of her!  she was a little afraid skiing by herself so we just did the pizza wedge together all the way down the hills