

 over the years, i have gone ALL OUT with halloween costumes, and this year was no exception.  johns cloud - so many hot glue-gun burns.  

we used to go more nerdy, see previous years:  
2012 - i think this was a morning sickness fail
but this time decided to go more mainstream.  my girls are OBSESSED with trolls right now, just like every other 2-10 year-old in north america.  so you can guess what we were... 
for those that don't know, cora is GUY DIAMOND


honey comes to visit!

the girls are always in heaven when Honey comes!  we tried for the tide pools at abalone cove but they were closed, so we settled on trump golf course, instead.  we saw all kind of sea creatures, including a tiny OCTOPUS.  it had to be one of the coolest things ever.