
hey! honeymooners!

finally i brought my camera-plug-into-my-computer thingy home.  all the time i was more concerned about having cups to drink out of and food to eat than uploading fun pictures from playa.  not to mention my stuff isn't as organized as it has usually been, and i may or may not be secretly obsessed with having a clean organized room and kitchen.  everything has a place.  if it's not in that place, then i go crazy until i have a spare five seconds to put it in it's rightful place, once i find one for it.  but, i digress.

the beach.

the beautiful thing about playa del carmen is that you can eat lots of food, drink pina coladas, and sit and stare at the waves on the beach for an eternity.  the water is beautiful.

fifth street.

the top five most common things vacationers do on a night in cancun:
- drink
- party
- drink some more
- eat fancy-shmancy food
- shop
since john and i neither drink nor party, we ventured out on fifth street each night for a little taste of mexican culture, food, and of course.... finding those little flutes for andy jack, ben, and jenna.  my mom loves that we brought home musical souvenirs to the attention-deficit little children.  i am not entirely sure, but some of them may have already magically disappeared....

additionally, imagine mexicans calling out to you every 5 seconds, "hey! honeymooners!"  have john do an impression for you sometime.  awesome.


let me just tell you:  the mayans kicked butt.  they built some freakin awesome ruins.  and see that middle-left picture?  yeah, i took that.

cool pictures that we took just because.

see the iguana?  and the invisible fork?  probably in my top ten highlights of the trip.

that's it for now!  hubby and i are going to get steaks.