
nursing 293: i may not be learning much, but i am definitely learning to count my blessings.

we are so blessed to be able to walk down the street. we are so blessed to be capable of feeding ourselves.  we are so blessed to be able to communicate with others.  we are so blessed to be able to even comprehend what is going on around us.

because most of my patients can't do any of those things.

each week, i get frustrated and overwhelmed with tests and assignments. i get stressed over what to make for dinner, and if i will ever have time to watch an episode of HOUSE again. and then i go to clinical on Thursday and think, i am such a spoiled brat.

at least i have the mental capacity to go to school, study and learn. at least i have the motor skills, stamina, and can stand up long enough to make dinner. at least i have the opportunity to socialize with my husband, family, and friends and spend time with them each day. most of the patients i work with can't do any of that.

the next time i feel like i am drowning in schoolwork, i am just going to think, well, Mr. W has cancer throughout practically his whole body. so what the crap am i complaining about? 

life is great. i need to stop complaining and go help improve the quality of life for those who need it most. and here's the ironic thing: as i help my patients, life seems a little bit happier to me, too.