

let's talk about the best day of my life.

truly, october 1st, 2010 was absolutely amazing.

i really can't explain what it feels like to get married to the person you love most in the world.  there are simply no words to describe it.

the night before i had a total meltdown.  i submitted myself to a rather embarrassing tantrum, as if andy jack had hijacked my body and somebody wasn't getting him his chocolate milk.
but seriously.
faced with the finalization of such an important decision.  my body simply couldn't function.  and i took deep breaths all the way to the temple.    
thank goodness for the temple.  as soon as i was sitting with my eternal companion in the celestial room as we waited for the ceremony, all my fears melted away. i knew i had chosen wisely in the most important decision of my entire life, and that this important decision would make me happy for the rest of eternity. 
i love weddings.  but i never loved a wedding so much as i loved my wedding!  everyone there, was there to support john and i.  i know and love everyone that came to the temple.  it is among the best feelings to be surrounded by your family, your new family, and your best friends in the whole wide world.

no one has a better family than me.  i am completely convinced.  everyone was so helpful and wonderful, but especially my mom&dad.  my mom gave countless hours to the planning, preparing, and cleaning-up effort of the wedding.  in retrospect, i will owe her for the rest of my life.  maybe half a dozen grandchildren will make up for it.  not to mention, when i was having a meltdown, she was there for me.  every. single. time.
and then there's my vati, papa, babbo, otosan, pee, pai, or more simply, my father.  did you know that he coaxed down the stars from the very sky for his little girl?  it's true. and i definitely don't deserve my fabulous loving affectionate parents.

life is wonderful.  actually, wonderful is an understatement.  life is magnificent, stupendous, thrilling, sensational, and tremendous.  and now i have officially used up my most exciting adjectives.