
the big picture.

^^^this really isn't that great^^^

^^^until you see the big picture.^^^

{in the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it}
*Robert Heinlein*

while i've been complaining about school incessantly for the past couple of weeks, i haven't sat back to think about the big picture.  i decided that it's about time that i realize that each day i am one day closer to being a real nurse.  each day i am becoming more comfortable with the care i will be giving.  each day i grow in appreciation for the Savior, Jesus Christ.
and that is the big picture.


Madison Michele said...

i love this paige! it is nice to remember what exactly our life means and every small thing in it. love you!

Melissa Carlile said...

Great quote and pictures. I think we all need a reminder of the big picture. You are wise beyond your years Paige!