
last night:

john:  you know you snore, right?
paige:  what?
john:  you snore.  it's how i can tell you're asleep.
paige:  (giggles)  {okay.... more like uncontrollable, blasting laugh}
john:  not a loud, old-man snore, but like a cute snore.  like you can't breathe with your retainer in.
paige:  and you never thought to tell me this?
john:  uhhhh..... no.
paige:  how long have you known this?
john:  since our honeymoon.
paige:  too bad you're stuck with me.
john:  yeah, such a burden.


elizabeth said...

HAHAHAHA! I just burst out laughing! I think he is lying. I never heard you snore :) haha!
elizabeth anne

Madison Michele said...

HAHAHAH love love this <3