

last night, i had a thorough conversation about being healthy with john.
wilst making a pumpkin cake.  i know.  how ironic.
here's how it started:
he:  "well now that you're taking that daily vitamin, i wonder if i should be taking one, since i don't get very much nutrition in my diet"

{sometimes, i wonder about him.  i mean honestly, i think eating healthily is the most common topic that i force him into- and also the one that he shows the least amount of interest in.  [right after fashion of course].  he never wants to talk about nutrition.  if anything, he definitely hates it.  i think my attempts at being health-conscious are a nuisance to him, if they can even be called that.  i should properly say that i think my attempts at attempting to think about eating healthily are more or less a great nuisance to him.}

she:  [making excuses] "well i try to feed you fruits and vegetables..... blah blah blah blah blah"
{as i am making cake}

the truth is, cake is much more delicious than celery or carrot sticks.
and, although i like fiber in my diet,
and know that i should eat more healthily....
a little cake every once and awhile is a needed treat.
next step:  let's count the pounds of chocolate goodness stored in my backpack.
{for quick-energy, of course- and so that i don't crash into oblivion whilst studying}

so {we} are turning a new leaf.  i mean, at least for tonight.
i am going to make a low-carb, high in veggies, low-fat, fiber and nutrient-packed meal.
john and i will definitely hate it.


Madison Michele said...

...so nutrition may not "be your thing" but being an AMAZING friend is!!! truly and honestly, the best <3 hahah ohhh our little bag of chocolate. It definitely gets us through :) LOVE YOU...ps dont be afraid of the veggies!! hahaha

ami said...

Ha! And Sad!