
passing out 101.

passing out 101:
if you feel like your head is spinning,
your body is very warm,
you can't stand straight up on your feet,
and your vision starts to turn all black and fuzzy,
don't be stupid and try to walk out of the room.
you will no doubt hit the ground within two seconds.  flat.
instead, sit your behind down on the ground.  immediately.
otherwise, you have just fainted in a patients room.
for no apparent reason other than the fact that it is 7:30am and you've been up since 5.
and you've made a complete and utter fool of yourself.
you'll probably cry a little bit too.
you'll wake up, facing the ceiling, feeling like an idiot.
do you really want that kind of embarrassment?
i didn't think so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry I passed out while assisting in a PICC line placement.. into the sterile field. Happens to everyone. I had a nurse who passed out in surgery, they had to wheel him out on a gurney. Still sucks.