
information implants.

i'd like to think that one day, 
we will have the capability to stick information straight into our brains.  
like a microchip for my computer, stored with all the drug information i will need as a nurse.
or an implant.  similar to a breast implant, but without being so ostentatious.
that would be nice.  just sign me up for that fast-track nursing school. 
one surgery, 5 implants, 
no studying necessary.
wouldn't information implants be so nice?
until that day, however, 
i still have to study.  study hard i must.
all the intricacies of nursing care must be carefully arranged in the cobweb-filled shelves that are my brain.
i must think critically when a patient in my care suddenly develops compartment syndrome.
i must know:
the signs and symptoms {pain, paralysis, pallor, paresthesias, and.... oh what are the other two??}
the causes {increased bloodflow or crushing injuries, not pleasant}
and the treatments {which is a fasciotomy, if you must know}.
maybe one day, after i have worked several years as a nurse, 
i will be able to dedicate my life to developing said information implants.
nobel prize - here i come!

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